Send Those Guests Home!

1 Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

I needed to hear today’s verse in 1 Chronicles 16:34. It has been a pity party couple of days. My husband is a Pastor, EMT, and Fireman. I often feel like I am at the bottom of his list. It seems like everything chooses to fall apart when he is serving others. My emergencies take second place to everyone else’s in the world. Yep, I am defiantly having a pity party and I don’t even have any chocolate to serve!

Now that the party is over and clean-up is almost done, this verse is making me re-examine my party guests. My guests tell me I am all alone. They say things like no one care about me or my problems. I will never come first in my husband’s life. Everyone else’s problems are bigger and much more important.

God on the other hand tells me I am loved. I am so very important to Him. I am so much stronger than I think because He is in me. I am never alone. He is prepared to handle any situation that flies my way. He also reminds me that He is in my marriage and is He will sustain me as I support my husband.

Well, it is time now to remind my guests they have overstayed their welcome. Today, I will give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love for me endures forever!

Lord, this pity party is over. Thank you for loving me and helping me send the unwelcomed guests home. ~amen