Friends Who Will Sit Among the Pieces

Romans 12:10
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

I have had a rough 24 hours. I even got angry with God. Thank goodness He has big shoulders and let me just cry it all out. No, there was no death or bad news. I was just trying to be helpful and it all fell apart.

Like most people, we have a long to-do list around the house. My husband works 24-hour shifts and has been pulling a lot of overtime. We bought a new thermostat that I really thought would be easy to put together. I watched all the videos. I followed the directions completely, but still, something went wrong. So, I put the old one back on and boy did it all go wrong because nothing worked at that point. Of course, it was now late at night and HOT and HUMID! I was in tears!

My husband, mother, father, and even some very close friends came to my rescue. No, they couldn’t fix it, but they went over everything I did and couldn’t figure out what I did wrong. Now, yes, I would have loved to have had it fixed right then and there, but there was something comforting knowing that they couldn’t figure it out either. I know that sounds silly, but it made me feel less stupid.

I am sure they all felt helpless but believe me, none of them were. They showed their love just by being there for me and sitting through my problem and not berating me for failing. Heck, even the company that is coming to fix my problem laughed and told me not to worry because their techs go through tons of training and still screw things up sometimes . . . LOL! I didn’t need to be angry with God. He provided all the love and help I needed when I needed it.

Lord, I am happy to report that there are still people down here devoted to one another in love and honoring others above themselves. ~amen

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