What Are You Waiting For?

Galatians 4

Galatians 4:4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his son born of a woman, born under the law

What is it you are waiting for today? What have you been praying for? What promise is yet to be fulfilled by God?

As Christians, we are instructed to keep the faith, have hope, pray continually and just generally keep on keeping on. That doesn’t mean it is going to be easy. We have waiting periods. We have times of confusion. We have times of pain. Yes, we even have times of worry and distress.

These periods of time do not make you less of a Christian. It doesn’t mean you aren’t enough. It doesn’t mean you are a bad Christian. It doesn’t even mean you have lost your faith. It means you are a human Christian with human problems. Keep asking those hard questions of why me? What is this? Why aren’t you answering me? When you do, you are still showing your faith, having hope and praying continually. You are connecting with God.

God has a plan. He has a timetable. He has a schedule. When a set time has fully come, you will see answers to your prayers and promises filled. They may not look like the answers YOU intended, but they will be the right answers for you. In the meantime, we show we are Christians by keeping the faith, having hope, praying continually and just generally keep on keeping on.



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