Choose Wisely

Proverbs‬ ‭18:21‬ ‭MSG‬‬
Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.

In a time that it supposed to be filled with goodwil and peace, I always seem to find that one person, that one moment, that one circumstance that can rock my world.

Many times I even see them coming. I know they will arrive because they do every year.  I do my best to prepare myself. Yet they still try my temper!

I  have come to realize that is life. I can’t control what is shot at me. I only control whether I catch it, block it or let it go by.

Hmmm…I was a goalie mom and coach can you tell?

If I want to win this game, I need to choose wisely  Because my response can make all the difference. My words kill, my words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—I must choose.

Lord, the next few days of celebratiing the greatest gift of all should be filled with love, joy and peace. Help us choose the right and wise words when life takes a shot at us. Help us deliver your love and light to all of the world.


Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Who is driving the bus?

Psalms 29:11
The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.

I went to a new doctor today.  After many years of seeing the same doctor, I had gotten quite comfortable with myself.  My doctor was a good friend of mine.  Unfortunately, he had to move his practice far enough away that I was no longer able to see him.

I have known about this move for six months.  I have been on this new doctor’s list for about 4 months or so, but I had not gone in to see him.  I hate meeting new doctors.

Now, I do realize no one likes to go to the doctors.  I mean we don’t usually wake up and say…gee I wonder what my doctor is doing today.  I think I should make an appointment to see him.

However, I HATE going to the doctor’s office and I REALLY HATE seeing a new doctor!!!!!!

I have quite a few issues.  If you have read my older blogs you know one of them is seizures.  I have not seen a neurologist in over 10 years because I gave up on them.  So, I really hate discussing that problem, but I was expecting it.  I also have two types of arthritis, asthma and Crohn’s disease. Again, I don’t like going over my history and what I am currently doing about them, but I was expecting it.

What I wasn’t expecting to discuss, my PTSD.

Before you ask, no my PTSD is not combat PTSD. I was not in the military. I wish my doctor would have asked that and just left it there. But NO! He wants to dive into what trauma in my life could have caused my PTSD.

Here is my theory on PTSD.  It is kind of like Fight Club (movie reference). The first rule about Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club!  Yep! That sums up my feeling on my PTSD! Unfortunately, this new doctor did not agree.


Now you would think someone who is writing her dissertation on PTSD was comfortable with her own fight.  Well, most of the time I am.  Unfortunately, the nature of PTSD does not leave you in control.  You do not get to pick and choose how you will feel or respond. I have spoken in front of people before concerning my PTSD.  Today, however, was just a day that PTSD was driving the bus and it was racing out of control very quickly!

Flashbacks flooded my head.  I was crying the entire way home.  None of my mind techniques would work.  My service dog clung to me to try and make me feel safe and distract my mind.

I would love to tell you my first thoughts were some beautifully worded prayer that would tickle the ear of any Christian.


I screamed at God! I screamed, “Why?”

I screamed, “How could you?”

I screamed, “Where are you?”


What did I hear back? The Holy Spirit brought to my mind Psalms 29:11.   He said I am giving you strength because you are mine.  I am blessing you with peace.  Accept it. Sit back and let me take control of the bus!

My heart stopped racing.  My anger subsided.  Reality began to return.

Thank you, Lord, for your strength and peace. You were with during the trauma.  You held my hand and screamed and cried with me.  You still hold my hand as you fill me with your strength and peace.

My voice has been heard by many young men and women.  My story has been shared before.  I have been the voice of the voiceless.  I wish I would not have gone through my trauma, but I am glad that I survived. For if my journey can save even one person from giving in to the darkness, then I would gladly do it all over again.


Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

When in Doubt…Phone a Friend!

Psalm 37:30-31
30 The godly offer good counsel;
they teach right from wrong.
31 They have made God’s law their own,
so they will never slip from his path.

Do you remember the game show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

A player was asked a series of multiple-choice questions of increasing (or, in some cases, random) difficulty. Large cash prizes were offered for correctly answering each level. There were three lifelines you could use if you got stuck on a question: 50/50, ask the audience and phone a friend.

Today, I found myself stuck at one of those questions in life that I could not answer. As a matter of fact, the more I thought about it, the more frustrated I got.

Now, I know as a Christians we are called to go right to the source, pray and read the bible to find your answer. However, sometimes I just need that human contact. I need to be able to phone a friend.

God was prepared for that! I have been blessed with a group of friends I can call when I need them. They provide Godly counsel.

My phone a friend was not only able to talk me off the ledge today, but gave me a new perspective. I was able to see my situation from different viewpoints.

I pray that you have Godly counsel and if not I will continue to pray that God brings someone into your life. I will also pray you will fill those shoes for someone else.

So keep those phone lines open! I just might need to phone a friend.



Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

What’s My Motivation?

Proverbs 15:28
The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil.

Recently I head someone explain how she had gotten hurt by something a friend had said. She wanted to go all Chuck Norris on this friend, but then took a breath and stepped back. She asked her self why was she really angry with this person. What was her motivation for wanting to go and yell and scream at this friend?

Can you imagine for a moment if we all took the time to ask ourselves this question every time we started to open our mouths? What a different world we would live in!

I am not saying there are not times we need to be firm or get a point across, but even those types of situations have ways of working out better when the words used are kind and considerate.

I know as a teacher when my kiddos are getting a little out of control, I do not speak louder. Instead, I begin to speak quieter. Yes, there may be a firm tone in my voice but it is still gentle and soothing. They calm down and are usually ready in a few moments to explain to me, in a much calmer way, what happened.

I am not for one minute saying I have this all figured out. Just ask my hubby. There are many arguments where I speak first and think later. Oh man, now not only did I admit to that, but he has it in writing…lol!

I am going to end this with one more saying I heard this week…

“When you put your mind in neutral, don’t leave your lips in drive!”



Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.



Not Today Satan

Proverbs 14:23
All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

It has been a long and rather discouraging day. However, I did not want it to end on a bad note. So, I spent the evening working on a project and totally lost track of time.

It was nice finishing my project. I have recently learned to create digital planners. It has taken me a couple of days to finish this last one, but I love it! I was able to incorporate Snoopy all over it.

For those that don’t know, I am obsessed with Snoopy and the whole Peanuts Gang!  I am excited to start using my digital planner tomorrow.

It feels good when we finish something. Specially, when we had to work hard at it.

Another project I am working on, my doctorate, is not going as well. It is at a very frustrating part, right now.

A friend reminded me of something today when I was in tears over the most recent set back. She told men:

“Every writer has setbacks! How many times was Stephen King rejected?  Nothing that is worth anything is ever easy. You are a writer. The best ones have setbacks and they say “NOT TODAY, SATAN” and push forward kicking and screaming..”

She is a very wise friend.

God was saying the same when he inspired our verse today:

Proverbs 14:23 All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

I stepped out in faith when I quit talking about it and actually started this journey. It has been hard work, but I will succeed.

So, you know what?



Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Guilty As Charged!

1 Thessalonians 5:15
See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.


I came across the above quote on my facebook page today. I fell in love with it immediately. Then I was reading my bible study and BOOM! It hit me. I am guilty!

I can honestly say that on an average day not seeking all-out revenge is a pretty easy idea to follow. Not that the thought doesn’t cross my mind. However, I can control myself enough to not do unto others as they do unto me.

Let me ask you a question. Have you ever given someone the silent treatment or a cold shoulder? Have you ever intentionally not helped someone when they needed all because you were angry with them? This is all called being passive-aggressive and it is revenge.

Yep, this is a well-sharpened tool in my armory. I can wield it at a moments notice. In other words, I AM GUILTY!

I hope and pray that you haven’t perfected this type of revenge, but if you have don’t beat yourself up. We serve a wonderful, grace-filled, patient God; who is waiting with open arms to fill you with his spirit. Then we can all learn to use the new tools of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

There is enough hate and anger in this world. Let’s not add to it.


Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

It Is A Bad Day, Not A Bad Life!

1 Peter 5:6-7
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Yep, it has been one of those days!

OK, so everything that has happened has been 1st world problems. I mean there was no world catastrophe that happened to me. It was a bunch of little things, but little things have a way of piling up into mounds.

Two rejection notices, cold sores covering half of my upper limit that keeps breaking open, a bad haircut, tendonitis flare up, and a generally burnt out feeling at my job equals an Alexander Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day!

So how does one survive? You scream, cry, eat the chocolate and when you are done, pull out 1 Peter 5:6-7.

Sorry Lord for my letting my issues pile up instead of turning to you right off. I know this life is filled with ups and downs. I also know I am human. Thank you for your grace and understanding. Thank you for listening to my temper tantrum and letting me cry. Mostly, thank you for picking up the pieces and setting me straight once again.



Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.


Get Grooving to Get Satan Moving!

Psalms 18:3
I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.

Today I am struggling to find my gratitudes. It has been a particularly rough day. I am fighting an ear infection. It has spiked a fever in me which has led to seizure activity. That is not so unusual for me. Illness equals seizures.

What has been very vexing is that my body has chosen to play games. It seems to be doing the lovely childish game of “You’re going to seize, nope psych!” It hurts! Imagine a giant charlie horse from head to toe. My muscles are so tight and they won’t release until I have the seizure.

As of this writing, I am still waiting!

I find at times my spirit seizes up also. Satan can render me immovable. I find myself unable to pray or read my bible. I feel sick. In my experience, the only way out of this situation is through praise and worship.

Yes, praise is a weapon and it happens to be my weapon of choice when dealing with Satan’s tactics of oppression.

I would love to tell you that I immediately grab this weapon and wield it willfully and methodically, but I would be lying. As a matter of fact, I often have to force myself to start with a little humming. It comes out quite strained through gritted teeth, but soon I relax. My foot starts tapping and before you know it I am belting out some of my favorite tunes.

If you will pardon the expression, “I get my groove back!”

You see victory over dark powers comes through offering praise and affirming your hope in deliverance. Satan can’t stay around a soul praising and worshipping God. So call upon the LORD – who is worthy to be praised – so you will be delivered from your enemies!

If praise and worship are the bow, the songs must be the arrows.  What do you have stashed in your quiver?  What are some of the songs that really get you grooving and Satan moving?


Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

You Can Feel…

Matthew 14:13a
As soon as Jesus heard the news, he went off by himself in a boat to a remote area to be alone.

When Jesus heard John the Baptist had been killed, he was sad. Yes, Jesus was sad. He needed to be alone, so he went away to a place of solitude. He needed a moment to feel his feelings and work through them before continuing on with his ministry.

So why do we think we are not allowed to do the same?

Why do we think we must be these superhuman Christians who must carry on no matter what?

I know people mean well when they are trying to cheer me up. I have tried very hard to make people feel better too. However, sometimes I really just want to be left alone. I want to, no I NEED to just feel my pain.

I have tried to be little Miss Pollyanna with the ever-present smile. Trying to please all of the people all of the time. It doesn’t work. It is not healthy and contrary to what some would have you believe it is NOT what Jesus would do.

It is OK to tell people no. It is OK to go find a place of solitude. And it is ok to be sad. Jesus did and isn’t it our goal to be just like him?


Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

See Me

Hebrews 12:2
We must focus our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

God sees me. He knows all about my struggles. He sees the drama and pain. God has a plan for me. He has a path for me. he knows the bumpss and hills and even the valleys and mountains that I will climb.

God will be there for every step. His love is unfailing and his grace abounds. His promises never change and he is faithful always and forever.

So, do you want to hear the good news? He is there to do the same for you!

Whatever you’re
Facing today…
Whatever helpless or
Hopeless situations
Are around you…
Turn your heart to God
(~Leah Dipacal)




Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.