What’s My Motivation?

Proverbs 15:28
The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil.

Recently I head someone explain how she had gotten hurt by something a friend had said. She wanted to go all Chuck Norris on this friend, but then took a breath and stepped back. She asked her self why was she really angry with this person. What was her motivation for wanting to go and yell and scream at this friend?

Can you imagine for a moment if we all took the time to ask ourselves this question every time we started to open our mouths? What a different world we would live in!

I am not saying there are not times we need to be firm or get a point across, but even those types of situations have ways of working out better when the words used are kind and considerate.

I know as a teacher when my kiddos are getting a little out of control, I do not speak louder. Instead, I begin to speak quieter. Yes, there may be a firm tone in my voice but it is still gentle and soothing. They calm down and are usually ready in a few moments to explain to me, in a much calmer way, what happened.

I am not for one minute saying I have this all figured out. Just ask my hubby. There are many arguments where I speak first and think later. Oh man, now not only did I admit to that, but he has it in writing…lol!

I am going to end this with one more saying I heard this week…

“When you put your mind in neutral, don’t leave your lips in drive!”



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