
Psalm 34:18

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

I am feeling emotionally exhausted today. As many of you may know, we are moving to another state because my husband got a new job. It is only about 5 hours away, but right now it may as well be halfway around the world. Everything has gone so fast and my head is spinning. The job came as a complete shock to both of us. We then had to renovate the house to get it on the market. Then we sold the house in a matter of hours. Now we are in that waiting period. Everything has to wrap up here before we can move on there. So, yes I am feeling a little crushed today.

So what do you do when you are feeling crushed? You rely on the Lord. I know I make it sounds so easy. Believe me, it is everything but easy! To get myself through I remind myself of all the things He has seen me through in the past. All those times I was sitting in this exact same spot and yet miraculously He came through. OK, occasionally it was pull me through kicking and screaming, but I got through. . . LOL!

God has perfect timing for everything. You can’t rush it. You will get through it and you will be all the better for it. So when you are feeling crushed, take a breath. You have been there before and God will rescue you!

Lord, You have gotten me through the past, You are getting me through today, and You will get me through the future whatever it holds. ~amen

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