Strength in Meekness

Galatians 5:24

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

So, let’s have a little chit-chat about being a Christian. The world often views us as being weak. In a cutthroat world, meekness, humility, and grace are not exactly at the top of the character chart. I mean the world thinks they are fine and dandy when it is extended to them, but they don’t exactly like offering any of that stuff at their own expense.

Here is the truth. It is sometimes VERY HARD being a Christian. I mean do they think we like being ridiculed? I can honestly say, a punch or a harsh word to someone who has done something to you is so much easier than showing grace and love. Am I right? Oh, and YES at the time revenge does seem a lot sweeter! Please don’t get me started on Galatians 5:24! Yes, we crucify the flesh, but dang if it isn’t like Jesus and resurrects itself every once in a while.

No, being a Christian is not for the weak, but it is so worth it. At the end of the day, choosing grace and love over revenge does feel better. Not having to walk through life with all that bitterness and hatred is freeing. So stand up straight and tall. Flex those muscles. You are a Christian and because of Christ, YOU ARE STRONG!

Lord, thank You for helping me become strong! ~amen

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