True Strength

Ephesians 6:10

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

Today’s verse is the intro to the Armor of God. Though I could’ve probably added the entire armor of god I wanted to really concentrate on this section. Yes, I could have included all the verses on how to be strong in the Lord, I really needed to hear just this part.

So, my home doesn’t look like a war zone anymore it is still a bit of an obstacle course. Renovations are coming along nicely, but I still find myself exhausted emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Since we have a dumpster, I have taken it upon myself to start clearing out accumulated extra keepsakes, a.k.a junk.

This purge has made me take a long look at the non-physical junk I have accumulated. Let me tell you, letting go of the physical stuff is hard sometimes because we attach sentiment to them. Letting go of the emotional and mental is so much harder.

This extra baggage of hate and hurt we carry is not what makes us strong. What makes us strong in the Lord is letting it go. Let those scars become war stories to tell others how God got you through a tuff time. So, flex the muscles of love and grace. That is your true strength!

Lord, give me strength to flex my muscles of love and grace. ~amen

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