
Proverbs 21:21

Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.

Did you know ‘catastrophising’ is a thing? It means to constantly imagine the worst case scenario. I had no idea that was a word! I will admit it has come close to being a habit for me at times and it is not so easy to break.

Did you also know there is an old saying about when you expect bad to happen, you will get it? Now, this isn’t saying you will get the bad you expected to happen, just bad is going to happen. Tie this with catastrophizing and well you can probably feel the stress and all of its effects already!

One article I read said the only way to overcome it is “to be logical and calm, and having a support network of sensible people you can call when you feel out of control” (Dodgson, Lindsay, Insider, 2018). Hmmm. . . wonder where she got that advice? I am pretty sure the Bible is full of advice like that. Proverbs 21:21 is a good example. This verse is not saying you will never face problems, bad things, or even catastrophes. What it is saying is keep your eyes on God through them and well, you will get through them. Maybe that should be our new saying!

Lord, I choose to stop catastrophising and keep my eyes on You! ~amen

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