
Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;

Ok, so you have read Proverbs 3:5. At first you think, wow, yes this is what we do! Then you read it again and start to think, hmmm, this may not always be so easy. Then you read it for the third time and you start to shake in your boots as they say. Your head starts to go through all the what-ifs. Your heart starts to pound. Yep, you think this is not so easy.

Can I ask you a couple of questions? Did you get up and walk to the bathroom this morning? Did you make a cup of tea or coffee? Did you get in your car and start it? Well if so let me ask you this? Do you know exactly how all the little systems, tendons, bones, and ligaments worked to get you out of bed and to that bathroom? Do you know all that goes into making your tea or coffee? Do you know exactly how every single piece of your car works that made it start and go this morning? Did you just TRUST that all those things would work? Hmmm . . .🤔

Well then if you can trust all of those things that we know break down, why is it so hard to trust a God that never breaks down? Just a thought for today.

Lord, I trust You with my life! ~amen

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