Victory in Jesus!

Isaiah 55:12

You will go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
will clap their hands.

Yep, you’ve got this! No matter what you are up against today, you have already won the battle. I am not saying the battle is going to be easy or over soon. What I am saying is you can hold your head high the entire time because you are going to win.

Every battle we face can quickly become overwhelming when we focus on the problem it is causing in our lives. When we take a moment to stand back and take a breath, we can often see it for the little pain in the neck it really is.

I can hear you all. I know you may be facing no job, cancer, death of a loved one, or any number of life-changing events. I have been there and I am sure I will be there again. What I am trying to remind us all is God is still with us. He is ready to walk through it all. When we remember that peace and joy can shine on us again. If you listen carefully, you might even hear the victory song burst from the mountains and hills. Then you can take your bow to the clapping trees. Victory!

Because of You, Lord, we have the victory! Today, I choose to walk in it! ~amen

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