The Eyes of Your Heart

Ephesians 1:18
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,

I am not sure if the Michael W. Smith song, “Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord” is based on this verse but it certainly goes along with it. If you have never heard I would definitely recommend it. However, neither the verse of the song lyrics really hit me like they did today.

This prayer is really profound to me. I know how quickly anxiety and depression can sneak up to surround me. My life can feel totally overwhelmed. The simple words open the eyes of my heart Lord can totally change my perspective.

How about when you are feeling frustrated or angry? Asking God to help you see past any feeling that is clouding your judgment is powerful. It is literally asking Him to let you see what He sees. Let you see the truth.

So the next time an emotion threatens to boil up and cause problems, try praying, “open the eyes of my heart, Lord.” You just might be surprised at how clear your vision becomes.

Lord, today I ask you to open the eyes of my heart so I can see what You need me to see. ~Amen

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