Cheerful Heart

2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

No one should be pressuring you to give. What you give, when you give, and how much you give is between you and God. This doesn’t matter if you are talking about money, time, or items.

Yes, giving is an important part of service as a Christian. Just the idea of service is based on giving of yourself. However, your attitude about giving is just as important. Giving with a grumbling heart is not really giving. Giving with an expectation of getting is not really giving. You ready for this one? Giving because you feel obligated, isn’t really true giving either.

When there is a need and you want to reach out and give ask God what you need to do. Then follow through with it. Again, I want to point out this isn’t always money. Often, it is giving up your time or items you already have. There are times it may even just be giving a smile.

Pray for God to show you where and what to give. Don’t be reluctant or under compulsion. You will be amazed at just how cheerful you will feel.

Lord, show me today where and what I need to give. ~amen

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