Let Go To Be Free

Matthew 6:14

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

I must have read today’s verse in Matthew hundreds of times. I know I have also taught and been taught on it. Today, I read it a new way for the very first time.

I have always read it as I forgive so that God can forgive me for a later offense. Today, I read it as God will forgive me for not forgiving the person in the first place. Now, you may have always read it that way. I am not sure why I haven’t but I am so glad I did today. I am not sure why I ever was so arrogant to think that I didn’t need forgiveness for not forgiving someone.

Unforgiveness is a horrible thing. It eats away at your soul. It creates anger, hate, and in stirs up all the pain in a situation. I am not saying forgiving is saying what the person did was OK. I am saying it is not OK to let the person control you anymore. Believe me, that is exactly what is happening. You are giving that person the power to steal your peace when you don’t forgive. It also means you are harboring hate in your heart. When we forgive, God forgives us for our hatred.

I know it will not be easy. But today, you need to at least be willing to be willing to forgive. Let God handle the rest. he can help you. I promise. He doesn’t want to see anyone carry around all that pain.

Lord, I struggle at times with forgiveness. Please know I am always willing to be willing to forgive with Your help. ~amen


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