
Psalms 85:2
You forgave the iniquity of your people and covered all their sins.

Jesus forgave the iniquities of all the people and covered all their sins. What makes you think you don’t have to forgive others?

Before I begin today, I would like to point out that forgiveness does not mean you have to be best buds with that person. You don’t even have to let them be a part of your life. Forgiveness means letting go of the hatred. It means quit trying to hold this person responsible for all of your hurt and pain. By the way, I agree with you. They were the initial trigger for your pain and suffering. However, now you are the one hanging on to it.

I in no way am saying this is an easy thing to do. I am not even saying it is a one and done kind of thing. Satan will play the trailers of that movie over and over again. Each and every single time, you will have to stop and go, “Nope, not today Satan.”

I know I have referred to ‘you’ this entire blog. I want you to know, I am speaking directly to me. I struggle and work on forgiveness every day. I have to remind myself, I am not God. Forging and forgetting are not natural to humans. I am also not better than God and can choose not to forgive others when He has forgiven so much for me.

Lord, I am still a work in progress and forgiveness is a topic I will return to again and again. ~amen

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