Don’t blow your top!

James 1:19
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

Now, I know when people read James 1:19 the first they jump on is “slow to become angry.” Yes, that is an important part, but do you realize it is the last of three things in this verse? It is last for a reason. They are in a very specific order. God is giving you the formula on how to control your anger. It is all right there in front of you.

First, you need to learn to listen. So many fights begin because someone misunderstood what others were saying. They weren’t listening. They heard the words but did not listen to them correctly.

Next, don’t blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. Digest the message from others first. Take a moment to form what you want to say. Even if you disagree, you can do it in a respectful manner. Who knows you may even win the person to your point of view!

Lastly, now that you have listened carefully, and thought through the conversation, you can avoid instant anger. You can calmly discuss the difference. I do want to make a note here that God did not say not to become angry, anger is a real feeling. However, if you follow the steps You will become slow to anger and avoid all of the sinful nature that comes with it!

Lord, I want to be slow to anger. Help me follow your steps to avoid situations that can escalate so quickly. ~amen

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