Love Letter

Psalms 119:10-11

I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

I was once told a story that King David used Psalm 119 to teach Solomon the alphabet of a spiritual life. It is an acrostic using the Hebrew alphabet. When you read this portion of Psalms 119, it is written like a love letter to God. It is very poetic and beautiful.

Phrases like, “I seek you with all my heart” and “I have hidden your word in my heart” are examples of a very personal relationship with God. The desire to not stray from His commands or sin against Him shows complete devotion. Is this the relationship you desire with God? Is this even close to the relationship you have with Him already?

I am not asking you if you are perfect or is your relationship perfect from your side with God. I know the answer to that. We are human and we cannot be the perfect partner in the relationship. However, there is one thing we can do perfectly. We can desire a relationship. If we do that God will complete the relationship. His grace will cover the rest. I promise this love letter will not go unanswered!

Lord, I am not the perfect partner for our relationship. However, I do love You and will seek You and hide Your words in my heart. I will do my best to follow Your commands and not sin against You. Thank you for being the perfect partner and offering Your love and grace. ~amen

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