Filled with Hope

Psalm 119:114
You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.

Let’s talk about hope for a minute. What kind of things do you hope for? I hope my team wins a game. I hope next week isn’t too hot or cold. I hope I will get to see my family for Christmas. I hope I will have a wonderful vacation next week. I hope for a lot of things. Can you imagine a life without hope? I don’t want to even think about it.

The problem with my hopes and dreams above is they may not happen. Circumstances may change and life may get in the way. However, I hope anyway. Why? I can answer that in two words, “Why not”. Life would be so bleak if we gave up hoping for things.

Now there is hope that is a definite win—putting our hope in God and His word. He gave us so many promises in the Bible and we can stand on every single one of them. The greatest one of all is the fact that no matter what happens here on Earth, we have an eternal life filled with nothing but happiness in Heaven with God someday.

I know there are still people that say I am foolish. I have one last thing to say to them. What have I really lost if I put my hope in God? Even if there is nothing after death, I lived a life filled with brightness and not gloom and doom because I had hope.

My hope is in You, Lord! With that hope, I can do anything. ~amen

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