Don’t Be a Scrooge

Proverbs 11:24
One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

What do we gain when we give of ourselves? We gain everything. When we give from our hearts, our heart skips a beat, a smile comes to our face and we just feel good. So, why do we tend to side with pre-ghosts Scrooge? Why do we want to believe we only win when we have it all?.

Have you ever heard of Hetty Green, “The Witch of Wall Street”? She was said to be the richest woman in America at one time. She accumulated millions and yet owned one dress, refused to pay for hot water, and even let her son’s leg be amputated because she deemed treatment costly and unnecessary. By the world’s standard she was wealthy, but emotionally, spiritually, and mentally, she was living in poverty.

I am not trying to convince you to give money to charities or churches. I am not trying to tell you to give money at all. I am trying to make a point that we have things in our lives we can give like time, talents, smiles, and kind words. We do give, we gain so much more. So, which Scrooge are you going to side with today? I hope it doesn’t take a few ghosts to show you the true meaning of life.

Lord, help me find ways today to not be a Scrooge or Hetty Green. ~amen

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