Yes, Lord, I am listening!

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Soooo . . . this is not the first time I have seen this verse this week. Those of you who have followed me for a while know that I know God is trying to tell me something when there is a repeat in my week or day. So, yes Lord, I am listening!

My first encounter with this verse was in Sunday School last Sunday. Our book on Ephesians we are working through has us pick a favorite passage from a section we read for that week. Yep, I picked this as my favorite verse. Huh? I opened my bible study this morning and there it was again. Well, then! Yes, Lord, I am listening!

My reason for picking it during Sunday School was I realized we could never really be kind and compassionate to someone if we haven’t forgiven them. Sure, I can be polite and respectful. I can even be nice to them. However, I cannot be the kind required for me to be truly compassionate. I have to forgive others in order to let go of the hate, anger, and condemnation I am trying to put on them. Just like God did for us through the cross.

If God did all of that for me, why do I think I have the right to not forgive others around me? What makes me so higher and mightier than God? Quick answer, NOTHING! I don’t have that right. Forgiving is letting go. It is freeing me from the anger and putting on the kindness and compassion God gave me.

Lord, I am listening. Forgiveness isn’t easy but it is freeing. You gave it freely to me and it is my job to pass it on. ~amen

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