
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

I know people throw this verse around at the most insensitive time. Oh, they mean well, but it certainly does not help. It seems to become the blanket answer when someone is facing the death of a loved one, a divorce, loss of a job, or even a devastating medical diagnosis. It comes across as God is Ok with your pain. It is all a part of God’s plan to see you in this position. I don’t believe that for one minute. I think God hurts when we hurt. God cries when we cry. My God loves me and promises to see me through any pain that comes our way.

That is the key. God sees us through problems. No matter what Satan throws at us, God is there to get us through. No matter what our situation is today, God is there to sit with us in the muck. When we are ready to get up and move on, He is there too. In all things, God has a plan to work for the good. Sometimes that plan is to get us around things and other times it is to get us through them. The point of this verse is God always has a plan.

God doesn’t like to see us in pain, but pain is a part of living. He knew that when sin and death entered this world we would go through pain. So, He made plans to get us through it all. It may not feel like it today, but the plans are there and ready when you are.

I trust You, Lord. I know tomorrow will come and Your plan is in place and working to get me through today. ~amen

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