Super Food!

Luke 9:23
Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

Religion may be a Sunday affair, but following Christ is a daily duty. We don’t get to sit in a pew on Sunday and then go back to life on Monday through Saturday. Jesus doesn’t just remember us on Sunday. He didn’t just remember you on His cross and then forget about you either. He wants to be in your life every single day of your life, which means we need to take up our cross daily and follow him.

My mom use to have this picture that said something like, “Seven days without Jesus makes one WEAK.” If you didn’t eat for six days and then feasted on Sunday only, how strong would you be? Could you face the physical challenges of your day-to-day coming and goings? I don’t think so. I think you would be pretty unhealthy. So, why is it people think hearing the word of God on a Sunday morning is enough to strengthen them for the entire week spiritually?

Getting fed on Sunday is important. However, even as a pastor’s wife, I would say the Monday through Saturday feeding is more important. Those are the times when you seek out God and you choose the meal. This is where you really grow and e strengthened to face every challenge. So, don’t you think it is time you grabbed your menu?

Lord, thank You for providing a full menu of good foods every single day. ~amen

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