Gentleness and Respect

1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

If everyone wanted preached at they would show up to church on Sunday mornings. Now, I am not putting down pastors, uh Pastor’s Wife here! Pastors, rabbis, preachers, reverends, and all the sort have their places in the Christian life. They are very important to God’s plans. However, the average joe on the street needs a different part of God’s plan. They need YOU!

People need to see and feel God’s love by watching you. They need to feel it through you. They need to hear it through you. Be ready to let your light shine (Matthew 5:16). Shine bright by being there for them. As the old saying goes, “In a world where you can be anything be kind”. Show them what grace, forgiveness hope, gentleness, patience, land love look like. Show them what they feel like.

Eventually, they will have questions. You need to be ready to answer. Don’t take this time to preach at them. Heck, don’t even take this time to preach to them. Share with them. Let them in on your life. Share your testimony. Share the real you and what God does for you every single day. This is how you become gentle and show respect.

This is how you share God’s love with people. Ok, then you can invite them to church. My husband will be happy to preach to them when
they are ready.

Lord, I want to let my light shine before men, so they can see your good works and glorify you in Heaven. ~amen

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