Just Enough, Isn’t Enough!

Have you ever used the phrase, “I just want to get through the day”? Maybe it came out more like, “I just want to survive this day”. Those are times when you might want to introduce your day to your God! According to Him, we are more than conquerors. It isn’t enough for us to just make it through. God has made us for so much more!

You are not just enough. You are more than enough! I once heard someone say, “If God had a wallet, your picture would be in it!” He loves you and is so very proud of you. He wants to set you up to more than survive this life. He wants to bless you with the wisdom and strength to be more than a conqueror.

So, the next time you are faced with one of ‘those days’, straighten that crown. Remind the day just whose child you are. That crown says you are so loved and much more than merely a conqueror!


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