Directions, Please!

All you have to do is ask! Yes, men, that means pull over and ask for directions, or at least ask Google for Pete’s sake! LOL! I promise this isn’t a man-bashing blog. Just using the old stereotype to prove my point. Sometimes the hardest thing we do is ask for help. Our pride gets in our way, even when it is with God.

Have you ever thought something you wanted to ask was too big or too small? Maybe you just didn’t want to bother God. You figured He was too busy with much more important things. Guess what? None of that is true. God wants to hear about EVERYTHING in your life. You just have to swallow your pride and humble yourself before Him. In other words, just ask! He is ready with an answer. He wants to give you peace, courage, and strength to get you through whatever you are facing.

So what do you say? Is it time to pull over and ask God for directions? Better yet, before you even start your day, why not check-in and get the roadmap for your day. He is waiting to hear from you.

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