Just a Sandwich

John 6:9
“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”

My mom is the queen of stretching! Seriously, she can make a dollar seem like a million dollars. Have a bunch of extra people show up for dinner, no problem. She can feed an army on whatever is in the kitchen. When asked, she says she got it from her mom. I have been told I have inherited that gene as well, however, Jesus really did feed 5,000 on a fish sandwich!

Although it was a huge miracle, there are small details in this story that often get overlooked. The small boy and his lunch! This boy was there alone. There is no mention of any family or friends. It seems this child came to see Jesus all by himself. He offered up his lunch to Jesus. In this huge crowd of men, a small boy offered up what little he had and Jesus turned it into something huge!

What can He do with what we give? I am not just talking about money. With just a little faith, God can take down giants in your life. What do you have to offer up to Jesus today?

Lord, I offer up my all to You today to use to touch others. ~amen

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