I will always love you

Psalms 89:1-2
1 I will sing of the LORD’S great love forever;
with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.
2 I will declare that your love stands firm forever,
that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself.

I heard something on the radio today that I disagreed with, I know fancy that right! The lady was saying that God cannot stop loving us. He will love us forever. Now, I understand what she was saying or what she meant, but it struck me as wrong. It tarnished God’s love for me. She was encouraging people that there was nothing you can do that will make God stop loving you. Yes, this is true, but I prefer to not think God can’t stop loving me, but that God won’t stop loving me. I know it is semantics, but let me explain why I see it this way.

If I say God cannot, it sounds like He is incapable or He has no choice. That doesn’t speak love to me. If I say God will not, it means He has a choice and He is choosing me. That makes me feel special. He actually wants to love me. He is not force to do it.

Again, I know it is semantics and she didn’t mean anything wrong by her words. Like I said, she was trying to encourage people. In the end, we were both right about one thing, God Loves You and He Always Will!

Thank You Lord for always loving me! ~amen

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