It was there all along

Psalms 33:4-5
4 For the word of the LORD is right and true;he is faithful in all he does. 5 The LORD loves righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of his unfailing love.

Have you ever played the glad game? Maybe you haven’t even heard about it. It is from an old Disney movie called Pollyanna. Her father made it up. Basically, it teaches you to always look for something good to concentrate on even when all around you nothing seems right. In other words, always look for the Lord’s unfailing love because the earth is full of it.

Now, I know we have all walked through some pretty dark places and finding God is impossible at the moment. As a matter of fact, the last thing you want to hear are those ‘Christianese’ verses and phrases thrown at you about how everything will be alright, trust in the Lord, or He works all things out for the good. They mean well. However, when you just buried your child or got the cancer call, they are hard to swallow.

So, if you are in that pit today, let me leave you with this instead. It is OK. You just sit in that pit for awhile. Grieve and let the world go on without you. As a matter fact, I am happy to just sit there with you and hold onto you, until you are ready to see that unfailing love that surrounds you again.

Lord, in this world we face times where we can’t see your unfailing love. Thank you for it even though we aren’t ready to see it. Thank you for never taking it away from us. ~amen

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