Christianity is NOT for the Weak

Revelation 14:12
12 This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.

There is an old say, “all things come to those who wait.’ Waiting however, never comes easy.

Do you know how many times the word ‘endurance’ is used in the bible? Let me tell you how many. According to my concordance, there are 90 occurrences
So, lets just say it is said a lot.

Endure means to suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently or remain in existence. A few synonyms include: go through, face, ride out, suffer, undergo, cope with and take it patiently. I don’t know about you, but none of those sound easy to me.

Our endurance will reap rewards. In the mean time keep your head held high. Never forget, the meek may inherit the Earth, but there is nothing weak about being a Christian!

Lord, you are so worth the endurance and thank You for being with me every step of the way. ~amen

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