Now Fly!

Psalms 145:15
The eyes of all look to you,
and you give them their food at the proper time.

But I want it now!!! Does this sound familiar? I am guessing you might have even said or thought it yourself from time to time. I know I have. I can be quite impatient when I really want something. I know I am that way when I am going through an issue in life that is uncomfortable. I want out of it now! Fix it Lord, now!

I have to remember His way of fixing it and timing is not mine. He knows the entire situation and also knows the best way for me to get through it. If I were to get out of it too soon, I could be like the caterpillar cut out of his cocoon. Without the struggle, God knows I will never be able to fly!

Lord, I don’t like to struggle, but I know you know exactly how to handle and when to handle my situation. So, help me lern to fly! ~amen

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