We Are Family

Today’s Scripture…

John 1:11-13

11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.


I grew up as an only biological child. I had a foster brother who was just as much a part of the family as me. My brother got married and had two girls. My sister-in-law and nieces were a part of our lives. My brother died and my sister-in-law remarried and had three more children. She was still my sister-in-law, now I had a brother-in-law and two more nieces and a nephew. At least that is how my family looks at it. We are all very close. There is more than enough love to go around!

I got married had three children. They got married which gave me in-laws and had children, giving me grandchildren. I also remarried. My husband had two children who got married and had children. These were also children, in-laws, and grandchildren to me. Again, there was enough love to go around!

Are you kind of following me here? We don’t have to be blood to be considered children or parents, or grandparents to someone. You just have to be loved. God loves us! We are His and He is ours. We were chosen to be His children. He picked us. He loved us so much and still does. No one can take that away from us.

I don’t care if you grew up in a “traditional” home or never met your biological parents. You have a father in heaven that would do anything to save you. As a matter of fact, He did. He sent His biological son to die so you could live. How is that for love?


Lord, thank you for my family and making us a part of yours. ~Amen

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