I’m Here

Today’s Scripture…

Psalm 34:18

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.


The holidays can be very rough. You can be in a large crowd and still feel all alone. The pain of a lost loved one, or strained relationships can feel like mountains on your shoulders.

If this is you, I am not going to tell you cheer up, God is near. People mean well, but it never takes the pain away. Instead, I am just going to sit here with you and let you grieve. When you need a hug, I am here. When you need a smile, I am here. When you need to cry, I am here. When you need me to just be quiet, I am here.

I want to show you God’s love. I want to be His ears, eyes, feet and arms. I want to just be here for you when you need and how you need.

Then maybe in a little while you will be ready to pass the love on to another who just needs you here.


Lord thank you for sending me someone to just be here when I need them. Send me to those who need someone today. ~amen

 Copyright © 2020 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved