Always and Forever

Today’s Scripture…

James 1:17

17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.


Historically speaking, the people at the time of James’ writing worshipped gods of the seasons, and the sun. In contrast to them, James talks about a God that doesn’t change like the seasons or the movement of the sun. 

Those gods were seen as giving out what they wanted, when they wanted, and just because they wanted. They withheld things for the same reason. In other words, their good gifts and punishments were dealt out on a whim. That is NOT our God. 

Our God is stable, everlasting, and never changing. More than that, unlike the gods worshipped at that time, He ALWAYS gives out exactly what we need. Our God loves us always and forever!


Lord, I am so glad you do not change like the seasons, or shifting light of sun. Thank you for loving me always and forever.

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