God’s Love Toward You

Ezra 3:11
With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the Lord:
“He is good;
his love toward Israel endures forever.”
And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.

Word Study

Toward – H6584 marker of relationship: spatial: on, upon, over, against, toward; logical: because of, according to; temporal: on, when, during


We have been talking this week about God’s love. We know He loves ALL. He has compassion for us and not only will His love last forever, but He loves you so much it hurts.

Today, I want to talk about His love toward you. The word toward has to do with a relationship of items. Such as you can lean toward the door. That is a spatial relationship between you and the door. It can also be a logical choice. I am leaning towards going on vacation instead of working all summer. Toward is also used to show time or a temporal state. Towards the end of the game, they finally put Mark in to play. 

So how do any or all of these apply to God’s love for you? It is simple:

God is always leaning towards you and wanting to have a relationship with you.

God is always leaning toward finding ways to reach you instead of letting you keep falling away.

You can count on God to always love you even towards the end of your life.

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