Prepare to Drop Your Bombs!

Mushroom Cloud Over Nagasaki
Lieutenant Charles Levy

Romans 6:14
For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace. (NIV)

Sin can’t tell you how to live. After all, you’re not living under that old tyranny any longer. You’re living in the freedom of God. (MSG)

Word Study

Master – to lord over, be master of, have authority over, one who rules or exercises authority; note in some contexts there is an implication that the authority exercised is harsh


What would the world be like if we really understood the power we have? On July 25, 1945 orders we’re given for bombs to be loaded on planes and prepare to drop on Japan. On July 26, 1945, Japan was warned and given a final ultimatum. They were to surrender or they would see prompt and utter destruction. Japan didn’t think the US, Great Britain, and Canada had it in them. On August 6, they found out they were wrong. Three days later they still didn’t believe and a larger bomb was dropped. It was estimated that 226,000 lives were lost between both bombs. Japan had no idea the power the Allies held. 

Can I let you in on a secret? Satan does not want Christians to know the power they have in themselves. God has placed two bombs inside each of us that would devastate Satan and his plans. Those bombs are the Holy Spirit and grace. 

Grace sets us free from Satan. We no longer owe him anything. He is not our Master. We do not answer to him. The Holy Spirit gives us the tools to fight back. We can throw other bombs right back at him and put him in his place. We can take our lives back! We have the power to blow Satan apart. He cannot stand in the light of God. He has been given his ultimatum. Now prepare to drop your bombs!

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