Checking the GPS

Jeremiah 22:11 (NIV)

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Do you ever wish you could ask God for directions like you do your GPS?  You know something like, “Hey God, I need directions to the next big life event I need to get to?”

“Hey God, I need directions to the next big life event I need to get to?”

In of which, God would reply with some great plan ready for you to print out or keep on your phone with voice commands giving you directions.  Yes, even the occasional “RECALCULATING” when we take a wrong turn.  Thank goodness, God allows U-turns!

I am sure this isn’t some big news flash for any of us, but God does come with GPS, God’s Planned Steps.  The only difference between his GPS and what Siri has to offer us is we don’t always get to see the entire journey mapped out ahead.  Sure he gives us directions along the way.  We see lots of guidance and directions in the bible:

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

These are all directions of things we are suppose to do in life along our journey. But what about the direction of “Wait”.

Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD. Ps 27:14

I mean, I don’t know about you but waiting is not my favorite thing to do.  I am a mover and go-er.  Sometimes I would almost rather be doing the wrong thing than just waiting around and doing nothing.  Wait a second (sorry, no pun intended), “wait” is something.  “Wait” is an action verb.

In her book, Wait and See, Wendy Pope points out, “We all have to allow God to do a work in us before he can do a work through us.” Many times the working in us looks a lot like waiting because we can’t see the whole map.

It is in those moments of waiting we start to question God.  We reach out and ask for directions just like you ask your GPS, only we seem to hear nothing.  We have to remember our GPS, God’s Planned Steps, aren’t broken during this wait.  It isn’t even recalculating.  “Waiting” is the direction.  It is a pre-planned, mapped out direction on this journey.

So instead of looking at it as doing nothing or your GPS is broken because it isn’t telling you anything, think of it as the part of the journey when Siri pops up and says, “For the next 150 miles continue on Route 66.”  You are still traveling, I promise! And when it is time for you to take an exit or make a turn, God’s voice will pop up because he knows the plans he has for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 22:11 (NIV)

Be blessed, enjoy the ride and have a safe journey!
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

I want to be THAT woman!

John 13:34-35

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

I recently had the privilege of going to a celebration of life for a very dear lady. This lady brought joy to everyone she met and she never met a stranger.  The minute you shook her hand you were family!

People spoke of her love for her husband, kids, grandkids and great grandkids.  They told stories of how she was a prayer warrior and had brought comfort to so many others around her.  Even on her death bed as people were walking in to say their goodbyes she was enquiring how they were doing and how their families were.

They spoke of how she was always filled with joy and she never complained.  Believe me, she had lots to complain about.  She had many serious health problems that left her wheelchair bound and she was blind.  She lost her first husband after 51 years. Her second love died before they could get married.  She lost two children and a grandson.

I think one of my favorite stories about her was how she met her last husband.  He also has severe health issues that left him wheelchair bound.  He told their story with such love and respect.  He was in the nursing home and had just lost his first wife of many years.  He was heartbroken and devastated.  Karen wheeled up next to him to offer him comfort and prayed with him.  She continued to do so every day.  Six months later they were married.  His final words about her described her as part of him.

Needless to say, I walked away from the services thinking, I want to be THAT woman!

I want to be THAT woman who loves with all of her heart.

I want to be THAT woman who never stops being concerned for others.

I want to be THAT woman who makes everyone feel like family.

I want to be THAT woman that brings joy to your heart when you hear my name.

I want to be THAT woman who is a part of someone.

I want to be THAT woman who wakes and up and Satan says, “Oh, no she is up!”

God made us to love and care for each other.  He made us to need each other. He loves us so much He sent his only son to die for us so that we could be with Him forever.  He is a part of us and we are a part of Him.  We are family.

He puts people into our lives to show us his love in a more physical and tangible way.  I want to be that woman who all men know I am his disciple because I have love for them.

I want to be THAT woman!
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Satan, party of 2, please!

Psalms 3:1-2 (NIV)
1Lord, how many are my foes!
How many rise up against me!
2Many are saying of me
“God will not deliver him”

You know, when I became a Christian I realized life was not going to always be filled with rainbows, unicorns, puppies, and kittens. However, I was really kind of hoping with all of those “blessed are’s” in the bible, I wouldn’t have those Lord Voldemort is banging on my door and he has brought Maleficent as his plus one kind of parties. You may recognize those parties. Some call them pity parties.

When David wrote Psalms 3, he was fleeing from his own son, Absalom, who was out to kill him. He felt his foes were everywhere. There was nowhere to turn. No one to trust. He was all alone. He was crying out a woe is me song in verses 1 and 2.

Now, there aren’t many foes in my life (although like David, I sometimes think so). However, if I get right down to it, there are two foes that often bring me to the fetal position, Satan and his plus one…Me.

Yes, the most dangerous person to me is me. My self-talk is often horrible. I mean would never stand for someone bullying someone else. Yet, I am the biggest bully on the playground when I talk to myself. Maybe you have heard those snide comments too…

“You are so frumpy, dumpy and old!”
“How stupid are you?”
“What makes you think you can do that?”

And yes, I have even overheard myself trying to convince me, “There is no way God will deliver me from this one.”

I would love to tell you that this brings out the Super Christian in me. I am in my bright and shining armor standing tall for truth, justice, and the American way! Yeah… well… umm… not exactly. Like David, it drives me to my knees. But that is OK because it is right where God wants me.

You see, David didn’t just end the Psalm at the pity party. He went on in verse 3 and 4 to call out to the one person he knew he could trust and would save him.

3But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
4I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. (NIV)

When that big bully steps up I cry out to the Lord and answers me. He reminds of who I really am. I am loved, wanted and adored by Him! That is when I stand up, adjust my crown, and proclaim, “Just who do you think you are because I know who I am! I am His and you aren’t invited to our party!”
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Nap Time!

Mark 6:31b (NIV)
Come with me by yourself to a quiet place and get some rest.

My husband is the busiest man I know.  Just looking at his calendar makes me break out in a sweat.  He works 3rd shift, 4 nights a week at a local gas station.  Add to that, he is a volunteer EMT/Fireman, Chaplain, Interim Pastor, Children’s Ministry Volunteer, Umpire/Referee for softball, baseball, basketball, and volleyball, he is interning for his counseling degree and don’t forget general all around husband, father, and grandfather.  OK, are you sweating now too? Seriously, my head hurts!

Me you ask?  Oh, I fulfill my duties as wife, mom, grandma, Children’s Ministry Volunteer, Special Education Teacher at a public high school, head of two independent consulting jobs (jewelry sales and service dog consulting/training), a student working on her dissertation to finish her doctorate degree and oh yes, an author. Wow! I guess my plate is pretty full too.

What about you?  Do you ever feel like you are meeting yourself coming and going?  Do you recognize the people in your home that claim to be related to you?  Do you recognize that person you just passed in the mirror? Yes, I have actually done a double take wondering who else just walked into my bathroom. Don’t judge it was early in the morning, the hair was a mess and well never mind.

Being busy and having lots of obligations isn’t a bad thing.  We all like to feel needed.  God made us to be servants. Even Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).  However, Jesus also knew when to take it down a notch.  He understood he needed time away to rest.

In our verse today Jesus saw that the disciples were spent.  As a matter of fact, the first part of verse 31 says. “Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat.” Wait, stop right there!  I am telling you right now if you look up “hangry” in the urban dictionary of slang, you will see my angry little face!  You know you have all been there.  The bottom line is we are not any good to any of those people we serve if we are worn out.

Make some time today before you are spent and hangry.  Go with God by yourself to a quiet place and get some rest.  You won’t mess up your schedule.  You won’t run out of time.  What you will do is recharge, refresh and relax in God’s arms, so you will be ready to get up and serve again.
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.


Psalms 29:11 (NIV)
The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace.

I really just need to type today. My brain feels so full and yet I have nothing to say. Have you ever felt that way? A million words swarming in your head but none of them seem to go together. I almost want to just start pulling them out of my ear and throwing them in the air. See if I can make a sentence. At best I think I could come up with a fragment. Certainly not a complex sentence. String a few together and I might get an incoherent paragraph.

If I tried to draw a picture right now it would look a lot like The Scream by Munch but not so dark and desperate. Maybe it would look a lot more like The Starry Night by van Gogh. It would definitely be impressionistic with lots of color and swirls. Flowers, butterflies, and clouds would dot the canvas. Free spirits all of them in their own right.

These are the moments when I feel like the poster child for  You know that moment when you feel so overwhelmed and you try to focus but then…SQUIRREL!  Only in my house instead of “Squirrel”, we say “Oh, shiny thing!”

I have a good friend who told me this is when she just wants to shut down and do nothing because she feels she can’t accomplish anything. Grab that remote jump on the couch and Netflix binge time here I come! Don’t judge, you know you have all been there just insert your own binge (food, shopping, Facebook, Pinterest, reading…).

Sometimes we may actually need that unwind time.  That pause from life, if you will.  However, we can’t let that pause turn into a STOP!  It is in those moments we cling to promises from God like today’s verse from Psalms 29.  “The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord Blesses his people with peace.”

God, I need your strength to push on and your peace to help me focus through.  You know there are lots of squirrels and shiny objects out there, but I have life to attend to. I thank you for your promises of walking beside me and even carrying me when I need it. Most of all I thank you for that peace above our own understanding (Philippians 4:7) that will help quiet my mind and let me move on with my day.
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.


I Will Write Nothing Today

Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

It is a beautiful Saturday morning, the sun is out and the birds are chirping.  I mean it is truly picturesque!  I curl up in my favorite spot on the couch, sipping my hot tea, pen poised ever so ready. I ponder what kind of great wisdom I can bestow upon you today.  What do you need to hear from me (or read)?  What beautifully, eloquently chosen words should flow from my pen?  I sit and I wait and I ask God what can I tell you today.  Then I hear a resounding nothing!

No, I don’t mean I didn’t hear God say anything.  I mean I heard God say the word, “Nothing!”

I can’t tell you anything. I mean yes, right now, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. But please, did I mention to see that the sun I had to look over the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink.  Yeah, the birds are chirping, but so is the traffic racing by my house.  Oh, and don’t get me started on that pile of dirty socks and undies calling my name, which is the real reason I am sitting here still in my pj’s if you know what I mean.

I can’t help you with your fears, doubts, hopelessness, anxiety or even your joys. Shoot, I struggle with all of those myself. But God can.  It isn’t my words you came here to read at this very moment.  It is God’s.  It just happens to be my pen (or actually a keyboard) He has chosen to use right now.

I have hopes and dreams just like you.  As a matter of fact…I am doing one of them right this very moment!  I want to write.  However, with all of my hopes and dreams come anxieties and fear and… ‘I cant’s!’

Maybe you have some ‘I can’ts’ too!  I can’t because I am too old.  I can’t because I am too young or too fat or too thin.  I can’t because I am not bold enough or educated enough.  Perhaps you have heard the I can’t because I don’t have enough money, energy or time.

Well, guess what you are 100% correct!  You can’t, but God can!  Furthermore, today He just may have chosen you to be his instrument of choice to deliver all those hopes and dreams.

The sooner we are willing to admit and accept the ‘ can’t’ statements, we can let go and let God show us He can!

I am OK that I told you nothing today and I can’t write this.  I am glad God stepped in and did it instead.  I challenge you today to do nothing because you can’t!  Instead, let’s follow our verse today and do everything through Christ who strengthens us.  Let’s remember WE can’t, but GOD can!
Copyright © 2017 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved.

Faith, Hope, Believe and He will

Hebrews 11:1-2, 6(NASB)
1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
2 For by it the men of old gained approval.
6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.
I grew up in church.  I have faithful parents who have spent a lot of time on their knees praying for me. Now I am a parent.  My children have grown up in church and I have worn out the knees of many good pants on my children.

I am a firm believer there is always hope.  I also know faith and hope work hand in hand. In order to have hope we must have faith and if you have faith you are hoping for something. To add to those words we use the word believe. To have faith and hope I must first believe in something.

Hebrews is asking us to believe, have faith and hope in the God and that He wants to reward us.  That is the part that always tripped me up.  I have no problem believing God could do whatever I needed.  I always struggled with would He.  This verse promises me He will!  He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.

So,the next time you find the doubts sneaking up on you when you pray, remember He wants to give you what you need. Hebrews says so and God never lies!