
Howler from Harry Potter

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Have you ever sat in church listening to a sermon and felt your pew heating up? As the sermon went on the pew got more and more uncomfortable. All of a sudden there it was, “Ouch!” The knife went straight through the heart. Yep! That was that double-edged sword going right through you. Don’t fight it! Face it!

In Harry Potter, there is a red envelope that arrives for Ron. It is called a howler. It is always bad news and as Neville reminds him, you don’t want to ignore it or it will explode! Well, let me give you a clue. Don’t ignore this pricking from the Lord, or it will just keep getting worse.

Yep, your pride is going to get hurt. Yep, you may have to make some amends to someone around you. However, it is growth. It is like the potter mushing and prodding on that piece of clay getting it to form into a beautiful teacup or vase. Seriously, do you want to stay as a big lump of formless clay or become a beautiful work of art?

Next time you feel that little prick, don’t ignore it and let it blow up in your face. Take the poking and prodding so you can become a beautiful and useful piece of art!

Lord, thank you for working on me and creating something beautiful and useful. ~amen


Copyright © 2022 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved


Romans 5:3-5

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Have you ever heard of reframing a situation? We talk a lot about it when working with students. Such as, LD actually stands for Learning Disability. I would always tell my students you just Learn Differently. Then there is the student who cannot stop arguing with you. You look at them and see the next great lawyer. Basically, it is taking what some people would see as a weakness and turning it into a positive.

Paul was doing that in Romans 5. We are always going to face suffering in our life. We can’t avoid it. It isn’t the suffering or even the amount of suffering that makes the difference. It is what you do with that suffering that counts. We can let it beat us down or we can go through the process and learn something. Paul pointed out the greatest lesson was learning perseverance which builds character that leads to hope. Hope is what gets us closer to God and His love.

So going back to my students I told them they would face failure in life, but what they learned from that failure was the important part. Then what they did with that new knowledge was what made it all worth it. So what lesson are you learning today?

Lord, thank You for the lessons you teach me through my suffering. ~amen


Copyright © 2022 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved

Murphy Monday

Proverbs 21:21

21 Whoever pursues righteousness and love
finds life, prosperity and honor.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right” (Henry Ford).

I am having a Murphy’s Law kind of a Monday. If I can drop it, break it, burn it, or trip over it, you can bet I will. That last little part is exactly why I will. It is because I think I will. I have already set in my mind that everything I touch will fail and so it will.

So, what do you think I did to change my day? I took ten minutes to meditate and went for a thirty-minute walk with my mom and let it all out. So, when I got home it was done. I left my poor attitude on the road behind me. Now, I can concentrate on righteousness and love and find life, prosperity, and honor.

No, life will not always be filled with rainbows and butterflies. But if you have faith and keep looking for them, you will eventually see them. While you are pursuing them you aren’t concentrating on all the things around that are trying to drag you down. God once again knew exactly what He was talking about when He shared His wisdom in Proverbs. Keep your eyes up and you can leave the bad attitude on the road behind you too!

Lord, today I choose to keep my eyes on You and let the world’s problems fall behind me. ~amen


Copyright © 2022 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved

A Great Big Hug

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

A friend reposts The Midnight Mom Devotional. Today’s seemed to go with my verse. So, I wanted to share her words.

“Tonight we pray for the momma who holds it all together for everyone. Lord, when everyone seems to need her to figure it out or manage the chaos, she does her best. She just keeps going and trying her hardest. She loves her family fiercely, but she is tired. She needs You to hold her. She needs You to hold it all together. You always have been, tonight she just needs to remember that Your arms are big enough to hold it all. Help her trust You. Give her peace. Help her rest. We ask in Jesus’s name, Amen.”

Please know you do not have to hold it all together today are any day. Relax in God’s arms. Rely on Him. Let Him hold up your world. He can hold it and you at the same time and never drop either. So do not fear, for He is with you; do not be dismayed for He is your God. He will strengthen you and help you; He will uphold you with his righteous right hand. You are loved and carried my friend. I will be praying for you.

Lord, thank You for always holding me especially when I can hold it together anymore. ~amen


Copyright © 2022 Tabetha Frick All Rights Reserved