The Knee Bone is Connected to the…

Ephesians 4:16
16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Did you ever wonder what would happen if your foot got tired of being a foot and decided it wanted to become an ear? How about if your hands decided they wanted to be a nose.? I am pretty sure you would end up with one very interesting body. On rare occasions, there are medical reasons for one body part to become another. Also when we lose one of our senses the others do become stronger. However, things still don’t work the way they are supposed to and are not efficient at all.

The body of Christ is very similar. We are all gifted with talents to perform the jobs God has given us. Every job is very important to fill. With any missing piece or misplaced piece we just don’t work as efficiently together. I can tell you for certain, God did not ever want me leading song service. Make a joyful noise is taken to the extreme when that happens. As a matter of fact, my idea of leading song service involves Youtube . . . LOL! On the other hand, I know several people who would NEVER want to lead Sunday School. My mother is the best bookkeeper you will find (among other things she does at church.)

My point is simple. We should never be jealous of another person. Nor should we ever feel like what we are doing is unimportant or not as Important. I for one am glad I don’t have to walk on my ears!

God, I am so happy we each have our place and you have equipped us to do our jobs well. ~amen

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